My Mission
Why Home Pre-school
When I originally signed up my daughter for preschool, it was in the hopes that she would gain skills to prepare her for entering the public grade school system. Her preschool was very well structured and she had a wonderful teacher, however I felt that having a class of 12-15 toddlers made it difficult for one teacher to focus on each of the students as individuals with unique needs and personalities.
Studying the use of home-schooling as a method for addressing my little one’s preschool education opened my world to an entirely different way of viewing education: providing academic instruction via loving teaching that addresses the child as whole, not just a brain to be filled with sufficient knowledge and skills to succeed in society. Having witnessed the toll that standard education has taken on the creativity and vitality of my three older teenagers, I found this educational perspective refreshing and a motivating force for developing my own educational curriculum for young learners.
Phoenix Kindernest
Teaching Philosophy
The Phoenix KinderNest program combines creative, natural-world influenced preschool curriculums (like Charlotte Mason and Waldorf inspired systems) with an introduction to standard academic learning and assessment. My program aims to prioritize creative learning methods that are ideal for young minds, while providing the basic skills that will be necessary for our children to thrive within the structures of their larger cultural environment.
Why Phoenix kindernest
Parents of young children are given a plethora of options for preschool and childcare these days, so it’s important to understand the differences that set these services apart from one another when deciding which program will best meet the needs of your family and your child. Phoenix KinderNest provides a unique caring experience for each child by structuring its services on five Value Pillars:
Child-centered Learning: human needs are best met by addressing the individual as a whole person. This means focusing on each child’s unique strengths to help them succeed in developmental learning and growth, while also attending to their social, emotional, and academic needs. Class sizes are limited to a MAX of 6 STUDENTS so that sufficient care and attention can be given to each child.
Appreciation for nature, wholesome literature, creativity, and art: Children thrive when given the opportunity to use their innate curiosity and imagination to creatively engage with their natural environment. Schooling isn’t just about checking off all the subjects to be taught each day—it’s about nurturing children’s hearts and minds in a way that will allow them to lead productive, happy lives across their entire lifespan. Our curriculum is rich with nature, art, and literature that supports emotional wellbeing, character building, and healthy way of relating to others.
Developmentally-attuned Lessons with Imaginative Play: Attention spans grow gradually over time along with physical development, and learning that does not respect this reality can be both ineffective and stressful on children. Our curriculum enhances learning by teaching multiple concepts within each activity or lesson, reducing busywork and instructional sittings so children have more time to implement learning with teacher and peers in their natural world of play.
Affordable Education: Phoenix KinderNest provides its preschool and childcare services for less than what would typically cost for even the most basic of in-home nanny services. I do this so I can focus more freely on my passion of teaching, less on business promotion, and provide top quality services that are affordable to more families like my own. It takes a village to raise a child, we all have to work together, and I strive to do my part.
Balance and Rhythm: All of life is influenced by natural rhythms and the need for healthy balance within them. Developing a natural flow to your child’s days and weeks will help your child build healthy habits that will have lasting benefits. My intentional and planned curriculum balances a robust and structured academic foundation, with predictable routines and natural, creative exploration to support healthy, and wholesome child development.
Get In Touch
Location: Sparrowhawk Cir, Eagle Mountain UT 84005
Telephone: (801) 860-2405
School Hours: MWF: 9am - 2pm